There are always a million different things going through my head. Today it is that I am about three weeks shy of leaving this chapter of my life behind. I met with my undergraduate mentor from my anthropology degree yesterday. It was a meeting that left me feeling restored and realigned. I know that sounds odd. I became so distracted by so many things popping up out of the sidelines in my life that I lost my way. I lost touch with who I am. After I spoke with her everything unnecessary fell away. "You are an anthropologist," she told me, "it is in your heart." She struck a match in my brain, looked around and essentially said "what is this stuff?!" We agreed on so many things. 1. I did not wasted my time with my Masters in communication. 2. I now have a deeper and broader understanding of rhetoric. 3. I am a loyal person. 4. I am an observer who sees things most people do not. 5. There are big things in my horizon. 6. I have to realign myself. We spoke of some very viable options and writing projects that would be a good use of time.