Sunday, January 16, 2011

Well, that's that...

Well, everything is pretty much up for grabs in the cosmic pool of karma, fate, take your pick.  I have my ticket to Florida, a new swim gear, did some yoga, have a little over four weeks to get my training for a half marathon back on track after bad weather and injury, study abroad application in, GA application in, and only a couple loose ends to tie up here at the homestead and then I am peacing outta this joint for a while.

Okay, can I tell you how peeved I am at the automotive bureau? Thanks.  Okay, I can't be that peeved 'cause it is mostly my fault.  Karma Gibbs slapped me on this one.  But really, I never needed my license until recently...I just kept getting permits (I am on #6...I think).  Point is I called to take my test this week (before I leave) and I am told that all driving tests must be scheduled two weeks in advance.  I want to maneuver around a few cones and drive around the block; it is winter...there have to be openings because no new driver wants to take the test in Ohio in January.  I know what you are thinking and yes, I agree, I should have done all of this long ago.  But why is it a big deal right now you ask?  Because I bought my plane ticket to Florida one way.  I was going to go down there, buy  a cheap used car that was on its last leg and looking to go out with a bang (only if I know it couldn't be saved for long term) and go on an adventure.  Am i upset about this minor set back?  No, I am not...Okay, maybe a little.  So what this really means is that I will have to find a licensed driver willing to take this little adventure with me when I get down there...or just cut my losses and buy another plane ride home.  I know I am overlooking a lot of details right now but I am looking on the bright side of all this...perhaps it will be a hot licensed driver who won't know what the hell happened until we are half way to God knows where.  Road trip what? Don't act like you don't remember that movie.  I digress,  Point goes back to fate...either way I am still getting home.

Okay, home slices, I am peacing out for now.  Family dinner tomorrow in honor of my departure; its starts at 10am.  If it is anything like New Year's Eve I will be taking jello shots with my grandmother and consuming delicious food that I had no part in creating.  Well, I'm looking forward to it.  

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