I am creating a gift for my friend who is getting ready to have a baby. I am putting together a little booklet of fun small poems, illustrations, etc.
Here are the first two:
Lullabies for Little Eyes
Full was our day
so we sing our lullabies
for little eyes
so that they may slowly close
and rest their minds.
A gentle wind blows
and brings to mind exactly
what the day was like.
Busy breakfast
busy snacks and little adventures
busy as bees
sometimes like the stormy seas.
We went here
and we flew there
and sometimes we just sat to know that we be.
So as you see little eyes
you need the lullabies
so we can all go about our busy way
with each other day after day.
Small Steps
Blink baby blink,
little eyes focus.
The first small steps to seeing.
Seeing the crayons in the box.
Scribble baby scribble,
holding the crayon in little hands.
The first small steps to moving.
Moving arms and moving legs.
Crawl baby crawl,
you, little one are getting strong.
The first small steps to standing.
Standing your ground,
hearing the sounds.
Listen baby listen,
soon enough little one the sun will rise
and you'll open your eyes.
Feet will hit the floor,
off you'll go,
taking small steps no more.
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